Grupo PERSO ha promovido exitosos proyectos de oficinas, adaptándolos a los requerimientos del mercado inmobiliario.
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PROYECTOS REPRESENTATIVOS GERENCIA DE INSPECCIÓN A continuación se presentan algunos proyectos en los cuales Perso Ingenieros C.A. a realizado la gerencia de Inspección bajo el esquema integral de Control Técnico, Administrativo e Higiene y Ambiente. DEMOLICIÓN TEATRO ALTAMIRA – Corporación Andina de Fomento ESCALERA DE EMERGENCIA – Sede Corporación Andina de Fomento
COLOCACIÓN MATRIZ ACUEDUCTO D=20" Altos de Cabriales – Carabobo
If you are looking at blank cassettes on the web, you may be very confused at the difference in price. You may see some for as low as $.17 each.
If you are looking at blank cassettes on the web, you may be very confused at the difference in price. You may see some for as low as $17 each.
View DetailsIf you are looking at blank cassettes on the web, you may be very confused at the difference in price. You may see some for as low as $17 each.
View DetailsIf you are looking at blank cassettes on the web, you may be very confused at the difference in price. You may see some for as low as $17 each.
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